燃脂美即溶草本飲品,蘊含綠茶和高效能草本的健康益處,具有產生熱量和抗氧化功效. 有助補充能量和控制體重. 備有三種清新口味,以此代替咖啡及汽水等飲料,既美味又健康. 除了原味,還有檸檬味和蜜桃味.
在午餐後往往令人昏昏欲睡,飲用1/2茶匙+250ml 混和飲用有助提神作用,亦有抗氧化的效果.
如要詢問我或有意了解產品功用 請先到此網站登記一下 !!
Thermojetics Herbal Concentrate drinks, contains green tea and high-performance health benefits of herbal, with heat and antioxidant effects. Helps to add energy and weight control. Available in three fresh taste, as an alternative to coffee and soft drinks and other beverages, both delicious and healthy. In addition to flavor, lemon flavor and have peach flavor. After lunch is often drowsy, drinking 1 / 2 teaspoon mixed +250 ml refreshing drink will help role, some antioxidant effect.
If ask me or learn this products please go to this site for apply first !!
Sunday, February 22, 2009
Saturday, February 21, 2009
(夜寧生) 是由Herbalife teamed 與諾貝爾醫學獎得主亦是偉哥之父: DR.Louis lgnarro共同研究的產品. Dr .Louis lgnarro.在 1986 年七月,
美國明尼蘇達州羅徹斯特的一個心血管研討會上,伊各納若(Louis J. lgnarro)和佛曲家(Robert F. Furchgott) 同時提出這不明的「內皮衍生放鬆因子」(EDRF) 是一氧化氮--這是人類首次發現一個氣體在生物體內可扮演一個訊息傳導因子的角色。從此各路英雄競相和一氧化氮談戀愛,雖然一氧化氮沒有任何的色香味。伊各納若的研究後來發表在1987年12月的美國國家科學院學報 (Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA)。佛曲家的則到 1988 年才發表在血管擴張:血管平滑肌,縮氨酸和內皮 (Vasodillation: Vascular smooth muscle, peptide and endothelium)。
十分活躍的伊各納若後來在 1997 年 2 月擔任新創立的一氧化氮期刊 (Nitric Oxide: Biology and Chemistry) 的總編輯,至於佛曲家、繆瑞、和孟卡達等一氧化氮重量級人物也都是編輯委員會的成員。
而他後來也和Herbalife 合作研發夜寧生.
夜寧生主要成份有L-精氨酸和爪氨酸,有利於一氧化氮產生,功效可以推持血管健康,促進血液循環及心血管健康.透過心血管健康來維持內在活力青春, 另外對於失眠更有功效.還有對於男性性功能都有不錯的成效 .
如要詢問我或有意了解產品功用 請先到此網站登記一下 !!
(Niteworks) by Herbalife teamed with Nobel Prize winner is also the father of Viagra: DR.Louis lgnarro Products joint study. Dr. Louis lgnarro. In July 1986,
Rochester, Minnesota USA, a workshop on cardiovascular Iraq satisfied if the (Louis J. lgnarro) and obert F. Furchgott) At the same time, this unknown "endothelium-derived relaxing factor" (EDRF) is nitric oxide -- - This is the first time, discovered a gas of human biology at a message body can play the role of conduction factor. Since then various heroic love competing and nitric oxide, although nitric oxide did not smell any color. Iraq satisfied if the research was published in December 1987 of the United States National Academy of Sciences (Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA). is to be published in 1988 angiectatic: vascular smooth muscle, and endothelial peptide (Vasodillation: Vascular smooth muscle, peptide and endothelium).
Very active in Iraq at all satisfied if later in February 1997 as the new journal founded by nitric oxide (Nitric Oxide: Biology and Chemistry) of the editor-in-chief, as weight, such as nitric oxide Edit-class characters are also members of the Committee. And he later Herbalife cooperation and R & D Night Ning-sheng.
Ning-sheng night there is the main ingredient L-arginine and claws acid, is conducive to production of nitric oxide, efficacy can be pushed holders vascular health, and promote blood circulation and cardiovascular health. Through the cardiovascular health to maintain the inherent vitality of their youth, the other for insomnia more effective. have for the male sexual function had good results.
If ask me or learn this products please go to this site for apply first !!
美國明尼蘇達州羅徹斯特的一個心血管研討會上,伊各納若(Louis J. lgnarro)和佛曲家(Robert F. Furchgott) 同時提出這不明的「內皮衍生放鬆因子」(EDRF) 是一氧化氮--這是人類首次發現一個氣體在生物體內可扮演一個訊息傳導因子的角色。從此各路英雄競相和一氧化氮談戀愛,雖然一氧化氮沒有任何的色香味。伊各納若的研究後來發表在1987年12月的美國國家科學院學報 (Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA)。佛曲家的則到 1988 年才發表在血管擴張:血管平滑肌,縮氨酸和內皮 (Vasodillation: Vascular smooth muscle, peptide and endothelium)。
十分活躍的伊各納若後來在 1997 年 2 月擔任新創立的一氧化氮期刊 (Nitric Oxide: Biology and Chemistry) 的總編輯,至於佛曲家、繆瑞、和孟卡達等一氧化氮重量級人物也都是編輯委員會的成員。
而他後來也和Herbalife 合作研發夜寧生.
夜寧生主要成份有L-精氨酸和爪氨酸,有利於一氧化氮產生,功效可以推持血管健康,促進血液循環及心血管健康.透過心血管健康來維持內在活力青春, 另外對於失眠更有功效.還有對於男性性功能都有不錯的成效 .
如要詢問我或有意了解產品功用 請先到此網站登記一下 !!
(Niteworks) by Herbalife teamed with Nobel Prize winner is also the father of Viagra: DR.Louis lgnarro Products joint study. Dr. Louis lgnarro. In July 1986,
Rochester, Minnesota USA, a workshop on cardiovascular Iraq satisfied if the (Louis J. lgnarro) and obert F. Furchgott) At the same time, this unknown "endothelium-derived relaxing factor" (EDRF) is nitric oxide -- - This is the first time, discovered a gas of human biology at a message body can play the role of conduction factor. Since then various heroic love competing and nitric oxide, although nitric oxide did not smell any color. Iraq satisfied if the research was published in December 1987 of the United States National Academy of Sciences (Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA). is to be published in 1988 angiectatic: vascular smooth muscle, and endothelial peptide (Vasodillation: Vascular smooth muscle, peptide and endothelium).
Very active in Iraq at all satisfied if later in February 1997 as the new journal founded by nitric oxide (Nitric Oxide: Biology and Chemistry) of the editor-in-chief, as weight, such as nitric oxide Edit-class characters are also members of the Committee. And he later Herbalife cooperation and R & D Night Ning-sheng.
Ning-sheng night there is the main ingredient L-arginine and claws acid, is conducive to production of nitric oxide, efficacy can be pushed holders vascular health, and promote blood circulation and cardiovascular health. Through the cardiovascular health to maintain the inherent vitality of their youth, the other for insomnia more effective. have for the male sexual function had good results.
If ask me or learn this products please go to this site for apply first !!
Nutrition Protein Drink Mix
特別配方制造,蘊含大豆蛋白(配以牛奶沖調,蛋白質含量會增至19-21克) - 營養蛋白素能助你有感到飽肚的感覺. 內裡亦蘊含豐富的維生素和礦物質,包括有抗氧化功效的維他命 C 及 E. 此外,還含有能為你提供維持身體健康所需的重要氨基酸.
用法簡單 : 每天早餐用250ml開水或豆奶+2湯匙蛋白素,再用力上下搖均.即可飲用,
如要詢問我或有意了解產品功用 請先到此網站登記一下 !!
Special formula manufacture, contains soy protein (with milk brewing, the protein content will increase to 19-21 kg) - Su-protein nutrition can help you feel there is a feeling stomachs. Inside is also rich in vitamins and minerals, including Has the efficacy of antioxidant vitamins C and E. In addition, it contains can provide you with the maintenance of good health and essential amino acids required. Usage easy: breakfast every day with 250ml water or milk protein Su-+2 spoon, and then are forced up and down shake. To drinking, Convenient and quick. If it is necessary to lose weight the person can use it to replace lunch or dinner, the effect will be very significant.
If ask me or learn this products please go to this site for apply first !!
用法簡單 : 每天早餐用250ml開水或豆奶+2湯匙蛋白素,再用力上下搖均.即可飲用,
如要詢問我或有意了解產品功用 請先到此網站登記一下 !!
Special formula manufacture, contains soy protein (with milk brewing, the protein content will increase to 19-21 kg) - Su-protein nutrition can help you feel there is a feeling stomachs. Inside is also rich in vitamins and minerals, including Has the efficacy of antioxidant vitamins C and E. In addition, it contains can provide you with the maintenance of good health and essential amino acids required. Usage easy: breakfast every day with 250ml water or milk protein Su-+2 spoon, and then are forced up and down shake. To drinking, Convenient and quick. If it is necessary to lose weight the person can use it to replace lunch or dinner, the effect will be very significant.
If ask me or learn this products please go to this site for apply first !!
Friday, February 20, 2009
What is the best of health body
還有一樣是政府都很大力提倡叫每人每日要喝8 杯水,但又有那些人會每天都做足?
其實8 杯水的定義不一定是真的要喝呎8 杯的. 有些人是喝特別多有些人是要喝少一點.
***人的體重(kg) X 40 +500=?? <<< 答案就是你每日大約要喝多少水了*** 其實這個只是個參考,大家有算一算就知道其實和8 杯水的份量差不多,只是可能有人每天要喝多200-500ml左右的水 以下有些產品是對一些沒時間做運動又想要每天都吸收到足夠的營養:
Lot of people did not think the pain is not representative of disease are a healthy body, this is a wrong concept. Have you not heard of any people around on a never-smoking, non-alcoholic drinks will also be suffering from cancer in people. If you have heard, this is the proof of what? This is proof of a healthy unhealthy can not be judged solely from the naked eye. In fact, urban people living busy, long working hours, less rest time, but no time to make big off exercise. Worse still, most things people eat are mainly to facilitate the fast-food, and those who have been artificially added to food and fried food mostly, those who are well-known food has adverse effects on the body, but not too many people will importance on this question. Have the same government are very strong proponent of call per person per day to drink 8 glasses of water, but there will be people who have done every day? In fact, the definition of 8 glasses of water to drink is not necessarily true 8-foot cup. Some people are drinking in particular are many, some people drink less.
The following have a formula everyone can come to refer to it around knew exactly how much water to drink around
*** Person' weight (kg) X 40 +500 ?? The answer is around you every day how much water to drink ***
In fact, this is only a reference count on everyone to know there is a matter of fact and the amount of 8 glasses of water or less the same, only that it might be someone to drink every day for about 200-500ml water Following are some products for some time did not want to do exercise every day to absorb enough nutrition
還有一樣是政府都很大力提倡叫每人每日要喝8 杯水,但又有那些人會每天都做足?
其實8 杯水的定義不一定是真的要喝呎8 杯的. 有些人是喝特別多有些人是要喝少一點.
***人的體重(kg) X 40 +500=?? <<< 答案就是你每日大約要喝多少水了*** 其實這個只是個參考,大家有算一算就知道其實和8 杯水的份量差不多,只是可能有人每天要喝多200-500ml左右的水 以下有些產品是對一些沒時間做運動又想要每天都吸收到足夠的營養:
Lot of people did not think the pain is not representative of disease are a healthy body, this is a wrong concept. Have you not heard of any people around on a never-smoking, non-alcoholic drinks will also be suffering from cancer in people. If you have heard, this is the proof of what? This is proof of a healthy unhealthy can not be judged solely from the naked eye. In fact, urban people living busy, long working hours, less rest time, but no time to make big off exercise. Worse still, most things people eat are mainly to facilitate the fast-food, and those who have been artificially added to food and fried food mostly, those who are well-known food has adverse effects on the body, but not too many people will importance on this question. Have the same government are very strong proponent of call per person per day to drink 8 glasses of water, but there will be people who have done every day? In fact, the definition of 8 glasses of water to drink is not necessarily true 8-foot cup. Some people are drinking in particular are many, some people drink less.
The following have a formula everyone can come to refer to it around knew exactly how much water to drink around
*** Person' weight (kg) X 40 +500 ?? The answer is around you every day how much water to drink ***
In fact, this is only a reference count on everyone to know there is a matter of fact and the amount of 8 glasses of water or less the same, only that it might be someone to drink every day for about 200-500ml water Following are some products for some time did not want to do exercise every day to absorb enough nutrition
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